Planning Board Alternate Position Vacancy

Please take notice the Parish Town Board is accepting resumes and or letters of interest for the position of an Alternate to the Parish Planning Board. The Alternate Planning Board Position requires that you fill in if a temporary absence occurs or if a conflict of interest arises on the Parish Joint Planning Board.

All Planning Board Alternates are required to fulfill at least 4 hours of training annually and are welcome to attend all Planning Board Meetings. Planning Board Members/Alternates participate in consideration for site plans, subdivisions, zoning, and other related matters. The Planning Board meets the 4th Monday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm. at 2938 E. Main Street, Parish, NY in the Village Gym unless other wise specified.   

Please send letters of interest and or resumes to Kelly Reader, Parish Town Clerk, PO Box 66, Parish, NY 13131 by December 22, 2021 no later than 4:00 pm.


Kelly Reader
Parish Town Clerk
Dated – 11/24/2021

Parish planning board public hearing Monday, November 22, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Parish Town and Village Joint Planning Board, will be holding a Public Hearing on Buck Subdivision, 805 Co. Rt. 26, Parish on November 22,2021 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Parish Village Gym, 2938 East Main Street (NYS Route 69), Parish, New York.

William W. Scriber
Parish Town & Village Joint Planning Board

The Parish Planning Board Wants Your Opinion

The Parish Town and Village Joint Planning Board is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan for the community of Parish. The comprehensive plan is designed to guide the future actions of the Parish community in land use. It presents a vision for the future, with long-range goals and objectives for activities that affect the land use in the community.

To that end the planning board is reaching out to the Parish community for their input on the plan. The board has created an online survey that is available here:

The survey will be open until the end of October for residents to give their opinions.

Planning board public hearing – Tanner Road subdivision proposal – Monday, May 24

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Parish Town and Village Joint Planning Board, will be holding a Public Hearing on Johnson-Gardner Minor Subdivision Tax ID 210.00-01-22 ( 77 Tanner Road, Parish) on May 24, 2021 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Parish Village Gym, 2938 East Main Street (NYS Route 69), Parish, New York.

This meeting will be extended via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 862 6113 3424

Notice of special meeting – Parish planning board – Monday, May 10, 2021

The joint Village and Town of Parish Planning Board will hold a special meeting on Monday, May 10, 2021 for the purpose of review of the Comprehensive Plan for the town and village.  The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the Parish Village Gym, 2938 East Main Street (NYS Route 69), Parish, New York.

This meeting will also be made available to the general public via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 822 1459 5394. No password required.

By phone: 929.205.6099 (long distance charges may apply)
Meeting ID: 822 1459 5394